Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and over four years of additional research and development, this all-inclusive classroom and online program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship (as opposed to the one-to-one relationship explored in Everything DiSC Management). With one unified model of leadership—Vision, Alignment, and Execution—it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.
Duration: One Day
Minimum: Five participants
Maximum: While there is no maximum, up to twenty five participants is an ideal number for a single facilitator. Beyond that, additional facilitator resources are required.

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship, as opposed to the one-to-one relationship explored in Everything DiSC Management. It focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a group or organization toward desired outcomes.
Using the framework of Vision, Alignment, and Execution, Work of Leaders encourages leaders to understand their own leadership behaviors and how they impact their effectiveness. Rich, compelling narrative adds depth to the data and strong visuals support the learning process by illustrating key messages.
Consistently thought-provoking, Work of Leaders stimulates fresh conversations and perspectives regardless of the leader’s knowledge or experience. It’s an opportunity for leaders at all levels of learning to reflect on how they approach each step of their work. In addition, Work of Leaders encourages reflection and discussion about the team and the organization. Work of Leaders helps leaders take action with personalized tips and strategies that give clear direction and are easy to apply. Context-specific feedback and developmental steps along with helpful case-in-point narratives show how progress can play out in real life.
Participant Take-Aways
- Recognize the priorities and tendencies, based on their own DiSC style, that shape their approach to the fundamental work of leaders: creating a vision, building alignment around that vision, and championing execution of the vision
- Explore in detail how to play to their strengths and overcome challenges to improve their leadership effectiveness
- Identify strategies to develop preferred behaviors based on context-specific best practices
Sample Content
Here is sample content from the program. This video provides an overview of The Work of Leaders, and explains the extensive research that went into developing this program
Participants complete a fifteen minute online self-assessment The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Profile and receive a comprehensive report of their leadership style based on the DiSC Model.
Module 1: Introduction to the Work of Leaders
Explores how DiSC styles inform the role of leaders and introduces the eight priorities of the Everything DiSC Leadership Map. 60-70 minutes.
Module 2: Vision
Examines the defining elements of a vision, the behaviors associated with its three drivers—exploration, boldness, testing assumptions—and challenges learners to discover the advantages and disadvantages of their tendencies in this area.
Module 3: Alignment
Examines the defining elements of alignment, the behaviors associated with its three drivers—clarity, dialogue, inspiration—and challenges learners to discover the advantages and disadvantages of their tendencies in this area.
Module 4: Execution
Examines the defining elements of execution, the behaviors associated with its three drivers—momentum, structure, feedback—and challenges learners to discover the advantages and disadvantages of their tendencies in this area.
Module 5: Action Planning
Role playing interview simulation engages learners in identifying their strengths and challenges in each of the three key areas of the Work of Leaders model and, selecting one key challenge area, crafting a complete action plan for improvement.
Follow up Activities and Tools:
Everything DiSC® Comparison Reports
Insightful and robust 10-page research-validated reports can be created for any two participants. Reports illustrate their similarities and differences, potential roadblocks in working together, and practical tips for improving working relationships between colleagues.
Everything DiSC® Team View
An at-a-glance view of an unlimited number of respondents and their individual Everything DiSC maps. Unlimited access with all Everything DiSC profiles.
Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders Group Report
What leadership practices come naturally to your group? Designed exclusively for use with the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® Profile, the Work of Leaders Group Report brings together individual data to give participants a composite overview of the team. The graphs illustrate the group’s approach to Vision, Alignment, and Execution and help explore their overall strengths and challenges to create an action plan for success.