Strategy Development

Strategy Development: Why Your Management Team’s Core Beliefs Matter

Strategy development processes emphasise vision, mission, values, strategic goals, key performance indicators and key initiatives. But one of the biggest drivers of strategic success are the core beliefs you and your team hold as your pursue your strategy. Yet most strategy development processes ignore this factor. Even values, which are closely aligned with beliefs, often […]

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The Voice of the Customer Meets the Voice of the Expert

“It’s not the consumer’s job to know what they want” – Steve Jobs As a leader, you are challenged to keep every person on your team customer or client focused. You are also challenged to reinvent your products, programs or services. Should you seek out the Voice of the Customer, or rely upon the Voice of

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The End of Strategic Planning, and What That Means for You

Strategic Planning never did fully get off the ground. Which is not surprising, since “strategy” and “planning” are oxymoronic. Let me explain this by way of illustration… A Virgin Strategy Sir Richard Branson, the renowned leader of the Virgin empire, tells the story of when he decided to create Virgin Airlines…not a small strategic step

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How Do You Create an Inspiring or Compelling Vision?

As a leader, you have a responsibility to provide direction, to “point the way”. You do this through creating a shared vision of the future. You can’t delegate this task. While you can, and must, collaborate with others in building a shared vision, you can’t walk away from your primary responsibility to create that vision. You have to own it.

How Do You Create an Inspiring or Compelling Vision? Read More »

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